Baliwood International Film college


(The Combination of “Flexible Time” City Campuss, Village Studio, and Distance Learning “Start 1st”)

International Class Programs

Silicon Prosthetic Makeup Film & SFX Makeup of the Mondial Culture (Private Class)

To create the desired characters by the Prosthetic Makeup or SFX Makeup technique. This is the art of make-up by using or adding local prosthetic to change the body parts themselves

Mixed Cultural Assets on Screen Study (Cultural Cinematography)

Join our hybrid class of new digital media and film study with cultural immersion, by distance learning and visiting open class flexible your time, you can enjoy unforgettable learning experiences in the beauty of Bali island anytime you want. Gain insight on Cultural assets to consider for film production, including everything from music selection or film choreography. You will have also intelligence training and cognitive process development using art film vision, cultural assets based. Multicultural and humanism vision.

For each online passing module, you will get a module certificate. And for the final class in Bali that flexible time you want, you can get also an international diploma certificate.

Lifelong Learning

Communication & Art Engineering

Softskill class for international actors / Actresses, film directors, screenwrites, managers of Advertising , film producers

Sciences and Technologies of the Arts,Entertainment and Cinema

The Online Masters include distance learning with always accessible content: live-streaming lessons, video lessons, and podcasts. Specialization Masters designed to better manage your time and access training wherever you are. At the end of the didactic path, a certificate is issued certifying participation in the Master. Project work, live webinars, personal coaching and tutorship complete the offer.

Kelas Lokal Certified

Kelas Industri Film Terbarukan Mendunia Baliwood


Film Makeup Specialist

Special Effect Makeup atau sering disebut SFX Makeup adalah efek rias khusus untuk membuat para aktor atau aktris terlihat lebih tua, memiliki luka, menyeramkan dan membuat tokoh terlihat seperti hantu atau monster dunia lain.

OTT Series Project & Contentpreneur

Disini Kamu Akan Belajar dan Praktek :

  • Cinematography by project
  • Script by project
  • Directing by project
  • Production Management by Project
  • OTT Distribution by project
Belajar seru

Kids TV Station

Kids Content creator dan filmmaker sebagai talent mapping dan character development.
Science content, short film puppet, dll.

Best practicing English on screen, by film languages experiment

Belajar Bahasa Asing melalui Film Projects (English script , English acting, English voice over artist)

Independent courses

  • Testing class sfx makeup
  • Acting behaviour class
  • Film Editing
  • Film Script

First Sign Ep01

Fasilitas dan Infrastruktur

Belajar hulu di kampus kota   (lab,classroom,studio inhouse) dan kampus desa (studio sanggar film desa )
Serta hilir tayang karya di, tv streaming BIFC,dan para mitra OTT platform Nasional (genflix, gtunes, dll) dan dunia.

Gallery of Bali Island


Bisma Informatika Indonesia


Sanggar Film Baliwood International Film College

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