Project Based Serial (film) OTT Study Package.

A study team, film project supervisor, film equipments, inhouse / outdoor shooting locations, editing lab and ott platform distribution are provided.

The production package is in the form of hands-on practice in the field from pre-production, production, post production to distribution of OTT platforms in the digital media era of the world:

1. Mini series, short fiction (2-3 episodes). For 2 weeks. Package IDR 25-50 million / team can be jointly between student teams (2-10 people). Learning opportunities in all production lines take turns according to the size of the joint venture: director, producer, art director, hubcap, script writer , etc.

2. Season series, short fiction (5-7 episodes). For 1 month. Package IDR 75-100 million / team can be jointly between student teams (2-10 people). Learning opportunities in all production lines take turns according to the size of the joint venture: director, producer, art director, hubcap, script writer, etc.

Study classes are held when the registrant team quota has been met. Please fill in the online interest form first. You will have a new team and friendship from all over the archipelago in the Bali island camp with Baliwood International Film College, on city and village campuses. Film camp is a lasting memory of all time and obtains a certificate of competency in serial production of OTT Platform in the digital media era.


The series is forever proud of and will be raised to several OTT platforms and will receive a portion of the royalties according to each contribution of the student team members.


An example of the production of the Baliwood Platform OTT series film: